Saturday, June 15, 2019

A Few Canon 135mm Serenar Photos

      The Canon Serenar 4/135 is an impressive lens. Built to outlast the pyramids, it has a removable lens head, an extremely smooth focusing mechanism, and glass that delivers sharp images.
       The only thing I don't like about this lens is the amount of chrome that reflects bright sunlight upward. This makes it difficult at times to read the inscriptions for focusing and f stops that are engraved on the barrel. That's why I stuck two strips of black electrician's tape to the barrel, as shown in the photo, left,
       If I had my druthers, I'd prefer to dress this lens in black. But then it would lose that gorgeous "vintage" look, wouldn't it? I took the photos shown below with a Serenar LTM mounted on either a Canon P, Canon L2, or Nicca Type-5. Kentmere 100 film processed and scanned by
Canon P
Canon P

Canon P

Canon L2

Canon L2

Nicca Type-5

nicca Type 5

Nicca Type 5

Coming Soon: A few Leitz Elmar Photos

Sunday, June 2, 2019

A Few Retina IIIc Photos

     Using the Retina IIIc takes some getting used to. Unlike vintage Leica and Canon RF cameras, the IIIc's film advance lever is on the bottom of the camera. And then there's the EV system that works together with the camera's built in exposure meter. Finally, the IIIc simply has a different "feel" to it. But after you've dealt with these differences, you'll be more than pleased with the images you can create with this excellent camera.
        Below are several photos I took recently using the Retina IIIc. The camera sported a UV filter but no lens shade. Rather than fiddle with the camera's exposure meter and EV system, I used the Sunny 16 method for determining the outdoor exposures. I estimated the indoor shots. Matthew Gallant processed the film and scanned the negatives at




      Coming Soon: A few Canon P and Canon L2 Photos